Traditional Constraints

Step into a new era of production with REALIZE, a virtual ensemble that creates its own performances from your compositions.

With REALIZE, translating your MIDI compositions into audio performances becomes a seamless affair. The software interprets your MIDI tracks and transcribes them into music notation alongside a stunningly realistic audio performance for every note of every phrase of every instrument.

REALIZE acknowledges that the artist knows best. Should you find the software's interpretation not aligning with your vision, the music notation transcription is fully adjustable. This flexibility ensures that any changes you make are immediately reflected in the generated audio tracks, preserving the integrity of your musical intent.

Efficiency is key; REALIZE derives all articulations from a single MIDI track, relying upon simple data such as note on, velocity, and expression. No track-splitting, key-switching, or patch-changing is required. This streamlined approach not only saves time but also preserves the musicality of your compositions. No more memorizing long lists of sample patches, no more juggling multiple tracks per instrument, and no need to insert key-switches in front of every note.

REALIZE stands out from the competition with its vast library of nearly 1 TB of high-quality samples, recorded from actual orchestral performances. These multi-note samples form the backbone of the software, enabling you to build performances that breathe authenticity and life into your music.

The dropdown menu above the waveform display offers a curated list of suggested source samples for each note of your transcription. Stick with the top recommendation or select any of the alternatives to construct your render. The extensive choice of samples allows you a nearly infinite variation of sound, thus avoiding the dreaded "broken record" effect common to conventional virtual instruments.


Single-note samples with a clean attack and release, maintaining a uniform dynamic level. Includes the longest-duration notes.


Multi-note samples with uniform dynamics, all playing the same pitch, ideal for consistency. Up to twenty consecutive notes.


Multi-note samples where each note varies in pitch by step or by leap. Includes samples with natural Legato phrasing.


Samples with continuous dynamic changes or step-wise dynamic variations, covering both single and multi-note phrases.

Adjustment tools


Standard [ > ]
Strong [ ^ ]


Staccato [ . ]
Tenuto [ – ]


Nondirectional (e.g. mf)
Unidirectional (e.g. p<f)
Bidirectional (e.g. p<f>p)



Once your production takes shape, REALIZE offers unparalleled precision editing. Below the waveform display, a suite of sophisticated controls await to fine-tune each note to perfection:


Dial in the exact pitch, ensuring each note hits the right mark, sharp or flat.


Add depth and expression with customizable vibrato strength and speed.


Sculpt the beginning of each note, crafting its entry into the musical space.


Determine the end of each note, influencing its duration and the space it occupies.


Balance the attack's loudness for a note that stands out or blends seamlessly.


Sculpt the beginning of each note, crafting its entry into the musical space.


Shape the transition from note to note, particularly helpful for slurred legato.


Overlap notes to the precise degree, creating a lush, coherent soundscape.


Set the relative loudness of each note, ensuring a perfect mix.

Experience the next level of digital orchestral production with REALIZE, where your musical imagination is the only limit. Advanced Soundware brings you the tools to craft, refine, and perfect your MIDI realizations with an ease and realism never before possible.